Canada’s BC Hydro is commencing work on the final phase of its ongoing dam safety upgrades to Elsie dam. The work planned for this stage involves rehabilitation work on the low level outlet, which discharges water into the Ash river.
Work needed on the dam includes replacing the bulkhead gate and trashrack, including extension of the outlet, rehabilitation of the water control valve, replacement of the conduit liner, final instrumentation, and the addition of a rock berm to the saddle dam.
This final stage of the dam upgrade work will commence in 2002 and be completed in 2003. Fish flow requirements down the Ash river for the period from April through July 2002 will be maintained through the new undersluice in the spillway, constructed in 2001. The Ash River Water Use Plan, scheduled for completion in 2002, will determine future flows to be released down the Ash River as well as seasonal reservoir levels for power and non-power benefits.
The Ash River hydroelectric facility was built in 1958 and can generate up to 27MW of power.