While opening a refurbished hydro plant in Scotland, the Energy Minister announced a new deal for hydro in a move he claims ‘would give hydro its biggest boost in 50 years’.
The new measures will increase the size of refurbished hydroelectric power stations to receive support from the Renewables Obligation from 10MW to 20MW. They will also ensure that all newly built hydroelectric power stations will fall under the Obligation. As part of the new deal Wilson also announced plans to broaden the scope for research and development to include environmental protection for hydro projects.
Prospects for the UK’s home industry as well as export opportunities will be discussed at the BHA’s next meeting in Perth, Scotland, from 10-11 October.
Site visits to Pitlochry and Clunie power stations will also be organised.
For more information contact the British Hydropower Association, Unit 12 Riverside Park, Station Road, Wimborne BH21 1QU, UK.
Tel: +44 1202 88 66 22
Fax: +44 1202 88 66 09
Email: bha@hydroplan.co.uk
Or click on the web link below for more details.
External weblinksBritish Hydropower Association