Aneel plans to have auctions for seven packages for the transmission link, including both power lines and substations. The contracts will be to build, operate and maintain the infrastructure over 30 years.
The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) said that two options are available for building the power links: direct power only; or, a mix of direct and alternating current.
The auction is to be held in two stages, the first being an assessment of technology choice and then second on price. The winning bidder will be the one that tenders the lowest tariff.
The Madeira scheme comprises two projects – Santo Antonio (3,150MW) and Jirau (3,300MW).
The transmission links are to be built in 34 months to 48 months.
According to Energy Research Co (EPE), total investment in the transmission infrastructure is estimated at R$7.21B (US$4.5B).