The Province of British Columbai, Canada. is supporting local governments and First Nations investments in projects that will lower energy costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead to more affordable and sustainable community infrastructure – including hydropower.
The total funding for the projects is $620,000, with $482,000 coming from the Community Energy Leadership Program (CELP) and $138,000 coming from the Remote Community Implementation (RCI) Program. One of the projects receiving funding is a run-of-river hydro project in Wuikinuxv Nation.
CELP supports investments in energy efficiency and clean-energy projects that help communities reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase energy efficiency, stimulate economic activity and promote partnerships that advance British Columbia’s growing clean-energy sector.
Funding for CELP comes from the B.C. Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund, designed to support the Province’s energy, economic, environmental and greenhouse gas reduction priorities and advance B.C.’s clean energy sector.
The RCI Program has helped B.C.’s remote communities in reducing their dependence on diesel generation by funding capital costs of implementation or construction of clean energy systems, such as hydro, wind and solar energy.
Support for these projects is aligned with the government’s commitment to re-invigorate the ICE Fund to boost investments in ground-breaking new energy technologies, climate change solutions and community-focused energy projects – especially projects that drive development in rural, northern and First Nations communities.