Would you be interesting in reviewing papers from your peers for publication in our sister title, Dam Engineering?
We’re looking for new people to join our distinguished referee team and if you think you would be able to help, or just need more information, please contact Tracey Honney via email at thonney@progressivemediagroup.com, or fax to +44 20 8269 7804. Please be sure to provide the following information when contacting Tracey:
• Contact name.
• Job title.
• Department.
• Company.
• Address.
• Telephone number.
• Fax number.
• Email.
• Subjects you can offer guidance on.
Dam Engineering features fully-reviewed quantitative papers on aspects of the planning, design, construction and maintenance of reservoirs, dams and barrages, and scientific aspects of the design, analysis and modelling of dams, hydro power plants and associated structures.
Anyone accepted as a referee is entitled to a free subscription to Dam Engineering.