Refurbishment project description

The 263MW hydroelectric generating facility at Edéa (60km from the Douala International Airport), on the Sanaga river was constructed from 1949 to 1975 in three phases. This will be a turnkey contract, and the refurbishment process will consist of the following:

EDEA 1 – Units 1-3

Dismantling and the complete replacement of units 1-3 with the possibility of increasing the unit output. (between 16MW and 23MW)

EDEA 2 – Units 4-9

The replacement of obsolete components, modernisation of the shaft seal system and the possibility of replacing the turbine hub blades.

EDEA 3 – Units 10-14

The complete renovation of the alternators (stator, rotor, exciters) and the replacement of the voltage regulators and speed governors.

Command, control and protection

Replacement of the present system with synchronized relays/desk set control boards for the units/centralised control and command system in the command room/SCADA system in the control room

Heavy electro-mechanical equipment

Rehabilitation of the following heavy electromechanical equipment:

• Transformers – replacement of the five transformers of EDEA III.

• Lifting cranes – coupling and braking mechanism.

• Other auxiliary equipment- – fire detection system etc.

• Intake gates – seals on the servo mechanism.

• Spill way gates – replacement of seals to prevent leakages.

• Trashrack.

• Grills.

• Stop logs (coffer dams).

The works are expected to start on July 1st, 2006. AES SONEL is applying for a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) towards the cost of the Edea power plant refurbishment project.

Pre-qualification criteria

All qualified firms will be invited to participate in the bid. Qualifications by documentary evidence will include the following:

• Experience of successfully completing the turnkey construction of no less than five hydro power plants, each of which is no less than 20MW, within the past five years.

• Experience of no less than five years in hydro power plant equipment refurbishment.

• Proven experience in design, manufacture, erection, commissioning, and testing of no less than three hydro turbo alternators.

• Confirmed willingness to offer guarantees for programme, output and efficiency and agreement to accept liquidated damages for failure to meet these guarantees.

• Accreditation to ISO 90001 or equivalent norms, submitted in pdf format.

• Audited financial statements for the last three years, submitted in pdf format. The annual turnover acceptable is no less than €45M (US$54M).


At the moment, the request for proposal (RFP) documents are being finalised and after receiving expression of interest from the interested parties and pre-qualification, suitable candidates will be selected and given access to the RFP documents. To participate to this pre-qualification process:

• Visit

• Click on the ‘REGISTER’ button on the right-hand of the screen.

• Complete the registration sheet with the requested information (important: please indicate ‘EDEA refurbishment’ in the referral field).

• After registering, AES SONEL will confirm your involvement and you will receive an email informing that your registration is complete and that you have access to the platform.

• Return to, logon and download further information on this pre-qualification.

Interested parties are required to respond electronically via the Power Advocate website before 28 February 2006. This will entail uploading any written responses to this Invitation or any other company data you wish to provide. Additionally, there are online datasheets you will be required to complete. No hardcopy expression of interests need be submitted.

CONTACT: For questions concerning this pre-qualification process, please contact Adolf Cho Mancho, Project Manager, AES SONEL, Rue de Koumassi, PO Box 4077 Douala.Te:l +237 968 81 62. Email:

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