Engineering and environmental consulting company COBA has been contracted by the Government of Angola to provide engineering services and equipment for the 2070MW Laúca hydropower plant on the Kwanza River, between the Cambambe and Capanda projects.
The project includes development of a 132m high RCC dam with a crest length of 1075m. Six tunnels with be excavated, with an average length of 2000m. These comprise a tower water intake, a vertical shaft with a diameter of 7m and conveyance and outlet galleries with internal dimensions of 9 x 12m² . The main power plant is to be located in a cavern 21m wide and 273m long, and will be equipped with six generating units with a total capacity of 2004MW, for a net head of 200m. A second power plant is also planned, located at toe of dam, equipped with of a 65.5MW unit.
The contract has been awarded to a consortium led by COBA that includes Lahmeyer. The services include the analysis and approval of basic design, approval of final design, technical assistance to the Owner in the negotiations of contracts regarding the civil construction works and supply of electromechanical equipments, approval of equipment design as well as inspection and shop assembly and final acceptance. The services also include technical assistance to the Owner for the general coordination of the project and the supervision of the civil construction works and erection of electromechanical equipments.
The contract has a duration of 66 months.