The upgrade contract is valued at Rouble 5.5B (US$212M) and will see the plants increased in capacity by almost a third. Last month, the shareholders of the Russian turbine-generator manufacturer approved the company undertaking the project.

Upgrade works on the Vuoksa cascade are a priority project in TGC-1’s investment programme over 2006-2015. The upgrade works on Lesogorskaya and Svetogorskaya are to be completed by 2012.

Each of the four generating units at Lesogorskaya is to be upgraded to 32.6MW, the manufacturer said in a statement. The previous figure, given last month, was 30.5MW for the increased capacity. The current capacity of each unit was given as 23.5MW.

All four units at Svetogorskaya are to be upgraded to 32.0MW (figure given last month was 29.5MW). Current installed capacity of each unit is also 23.5MW.