US-based Mead & Hunt has just completed the first completely digital hydro project licence application filing system, with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
The Digital Document Database (D3), developed by Mead & Hunt, combines and sorts the data generated during the hydro power licensing process. It is capable of storing reports, figures, correspondence, maps, drawings, video clips or sound bites on a single CD. The system allows users to do cross-document word searches, have one source for all documents, and easily post information to a web site. The CD also allows users to search for information, print it, and copy and paste to other documents, while retaining the format appearance of the original document.
‘This new system will revolutionise the licensing process,’ said Ron Corso, senior client manager of Mead & Hunt and former head of the FERC division of hydro power licensing. ‘We can now fit what used to be a 250-ft stack of paper on one CD,’ he said.