Previous studies of the river basin suggested that it could have up to 4GW of hydro power potential, but by 2017 the Government is looking to have approximately 2GW of capacity developed in the lower part of the watershed.
The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MEER) is reviewing the technical submissions of the seven bids to calculate scores, after which the financial tender of the leading party will be opened.
Bids were submitted by the following seven parties: Technopromexport; UES Engeniering Center; Hyundai Engineering with SNC-Lavalin; Caminosca; lahmeyer; coyne-et-bellier and Pietrangeli; YREC, Geodata and Integral Astec.
The previous studies on the hydro power potential of the Zamora catchment were undertaken by the former national Institute for Electricification (INECEL).
Separately, elsewhere in the country the utility ElecAustro has two small hydro schemes in development – the 27.8MW Soldados-Yanuncay-Minas project and the 26MW Ocana plant.
Construction of the Ocana plant is underway with alstom Hydro Espana supplying hydro power equipment (including two 13MW Pelton turbines), Siemens to provide the transformers and separate packages of civil works by Semaica and Cointec, respectively. Semaica is also undertaking some hydromechanical works.