Andritz Hydro is half way through the installation of four Francis turbines at the 25.4MW Manolo Fortich Hydropower Plant 2 in the Philippines, developer Hedcor Bukidnon Inc has announced.

The AboitizPower subsidiary awarded Andritz a EUR 15 million contract for electromechanical works at Manolo Fortich 2, as well as the 43.4 MW Manolo Fortich 1 plant. The latter plant will have a combination of Francis and Pelton turbines installed.

As well as equipment installation, Andritz will also ensure quality control of the entire hydro system such as analysis, target points and alignment, Hedcor explained. Commissioning of the project is expected by the end of this year.

Hedcor Bukidnon has also announced it has recorded 2.9 million man-hours with no lost time incident within the workplace, as of the time of writing.

 Hedcor specializes in generating renewable energy from run-of-river hydropower system. It manages and operates 22 hydropower plants and supplies the Philippines with 185MW of clean and renewable energy.