FEA has applied for a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) towards its portion of the cost of the project. This invitation relates to the contract for the civil construction portion of the 40MW hydro power scheme located in Fiji. Components of the work include:
• Construction of a 19m weir, including river excavations, concrete work (approx 17,000m3) and the installation of various mechanical equipment.
• Excavation of a 3m diameter, 2km long tunnel, including temporary support and linings.
• Construction of a buried steel penstock, 2.25m diameter, 1.4km long
• Construction of the reinforced concrete power station building to house four pelton wheel turbines and generators (50m x 18m x 8m deep) plus a steel portal frame superstructure.
• Construction and operation of the contractors camp over the duration of the project.
• Various other components of the project.
This contract is expected to be implemented from November 2006 to May 2008.
The criteria to be used in the registration of interest evaluation are:
• Company profile.
• Key staff.
• Company management systems.
• Relevant experience and track record in hydro power projects.
• Relevant regional experience and track record.
• Regional support.
• Resources of the company or consortia.
• Indicative construction methodologies.
• Comments on construction Issues.
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from, and inspect the Bidding documents at: MWH New Zealand Ltd, 265 Princes Street, Dunedin, New Zealand. Tel: +64 3 477 0885. Fax: +64 3 477 0616. Email: greg.brown@mwhglobal.com.
All registrations must be delivered in closed envelopes or by email to the above address bearing the mention ‘Registration of Interest for Nadarivatu Hydropower Project – Civil Construction Works’ not later than 4.00pm (New Zealand time) 28 July 2006 at the above address.