Fire has damaged part of Hydro Tasmania’s energy infrastructure in north-west Tasmania, the company has confirmed in a statement.

The fire in the Lake MacKenzie area has burned vegetation surrounding Fisher Power Station. Employees who were at the station performing maintenance were evacuated as the fire approached earlier this week, the utility said.

A number of power poles and the transmission line have been damaged between Fisher and Rowallan power stations, and between Fisher Power Station and Lake MacKenzie.

An aerial inspection occurred this morning and a ground crew is now going in to inspect damage at Fisher Power Station. The power station building appears to be intact, but the station is not currently operating.

Once the station has been inspected and declared safe the maintenance activities can be completed, and once the transmission line is restored, the station is expected to return to operation.

Hydro Tasmania is working closely with TasNetworks to inspect damaged assets and work on their return to service.