The first two generating units, with a total capacity of 370MW, were launched in 2003, and the third, 300MW generator began operating in November 2004.
The fourth unit is expected to bring the plant’s capacity to 1000MW. In 2008, when all the six planned generators are in place, the plant’s capacity will reach 2000MW and its total average output will top 7.1BkWh, or one-fifth of the overall amount produced in the entire Russian Far East.
Launched in 1985, but suspended due to a lack of funding, the Bureia project became one of UES’ top priorities in 1999. The company invested some US$819M in it between 2000 and 2004, adding another US$204.4M this year.
The plant’s extra capacity could be used for exports to China, which, according to CEO Anatoli Chubais, is one of the company’s biggest ambitions.