CONTACT: Electricite de France, direction des achats, Agence achats hydraulique, Att: Emmanuelle Luzoir, Savoie Technolac, F-73373 Le Bourget-du-Lac. Tel: 4 79 60 62 28. Fax: 4 79 60 63 44. Email:

Serving the hydro power and dam construction industries since 1949
A periodic information notice without call for competition has been released by edf for the supply of hydraulic turbines and electrical installation work.
CONTACT: Electricite de France, direction des achats, Agence achats hydraulique, Att: Emmanuelle Luzoir, Savoie Technolac, F-73373 Le Bourget-du-Lac. Tel: 4 79 60 62 28. Fax: 4 79 60 63 44. Email: