CONTACT: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Kempten, Rottachstrasse 15, Attn: Frau Seidel, D-87439 Kempten im Allgau. Tel: 0049 831/5243-214. Fax: 0049 831/5243-216. Email:

Serving the hydro power and dam construction industries since 1949
A contract notice has been issued for construction work for water projects and river regulation and flood control works. The project will involve building dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts. Date of tender is 8 December 2005.
CONTACT: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Kempten, Rottachstrasse 15, Attn: Frau Seidel, D-87439 Kempten im Allgau. Tel: 0049 831/5243-214. Fax: 0049 831/5243-216. Email: