Following on from an earlier commission to prepare a Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) for the draft plan for offshore wind energy in Scottish territorial waters, ABPmer has now been commissioned to prepare a similar HRA to support the development of their wave and tidal energy plan.
Separately, in association with the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), the company has been contracted to prepare expanded and updated guidance on consenting, EIA and HRA for offshore wind, wave and tidal development in Scottish waters.
In a further commission, ABPmer was appointed in association with Risk & Policy Analysts to prepare a socio-economic baseline review and data gap analysis for offshore renewables in Scottish waters.
Commenting on the awards, said: “We are delighted to be supporting Marine Scotland on these studies,” commented Stephen Hull, ABPmer’s Project Director. “Our success in winning this work demonstrates our strong understanding of the strategic issues associated with large scale deployment of offshore energy devices and maintains our association with the sector.”