The hydropower plant is being developed through Huadian’s wholly-owned subsidiary Sichuan Huadian Luding Hydropower Co.
To be completed in 2009, the plant will have four units, each with an installed capacity of 230MW.
Development rights are being pursued for other hydropower projects in the Daduhe (‘Dadu He’) river basin in Sichuan province.
Huadian, the largest independent power producer in Shandong province, said that among its major objectives for the second half of 2007 and going forward was to accelerate its development of hydropower projects.
In September, the company along with sister businesses in the China Huadian group, including Guizhou Hydropower, established a joint venture enterprise to focus on renewables development.
The ownership split sees the controlling share with the parent group, China Huadian (51%), and the remaining stocks is split as follows: Huadian Power International Corp (20%), Huadian Energy (12%), Guizhou Hydropower (12%) and Huadian Engineering (5%).
Guizhou Hydropower – or, more fully, Guizhou Wujiang Hydropower Development Co – is a limited liability company mainly engaged in developing and building hydroelectric schemes in the Wujiang region.