The UK’s Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMECHE) has invited interested parties to submit papers for it’s forthcoming seminar, Hydropower Developments: New Projects, Rehabilitation and Power Recovery.
Taking place on 21 November 2002 in London, UK, the seminar is aimed at UK engineers representing the fields of manufacturing, contracting, consulting and operating.
Papers are invited on the following topics:
• Current projects: description, specification and performance of hydroelectric generating plant.
• Rehabilitation: approach and scope of rehabilitation, implementation of rehabilitation, design improvements and upgrading case studies.
• Power recovery: description, specification and performance of power recovery plants.
For further information, contact Stephanie Love, Events, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ, UK. El: +44 20 7973 1312. Email: u-s-love-imeche-org-uk-u