The General Directorate State Hydraulic Works (DSI) has announced the award of a contract to an international consortium led by Austrian va-tech Elin for the construction of two hydro power stations at Borcka and Muratli in Turkey. The consortium comprises Voith hydro, VA Tech Voest MCE, and the Turkish companies Temelsu and Yüksel.
The two power plants will be built on the lower reaches of the Coruh river in the northeast of the country and will be implemented as turnkey projects. Voith Hydro will supply two vertical Francis turbines with an intake diameter of 5.6m, turbine shut-off valves, turbine governors and ancillary systems for Borcka.
Borcka will be constructed 1.5km from the city of Borcka where the Murgul stream converges with the Coruh river. The storage capacity of the reservoir will be 420M m3. Two 150MW turbine generator sets will generate 1.039GWh annually, representing about 3% of Turkey’s total hydro power generation.