The EU-Flood-GIS will provide the European Flood Alert System (EFAS) with hydrological and meteorological data and corresponding metadata from all trans-national European river basins.
The EU-Flood-GIS will follow as much as possible the principles that have been outlined in the Inspire proposal. In particular, the service foresees i) the creation of catalogues with metadata about existing hydrological and meteorological data, including terms of acquisition and of data or data access licences, from all trans-national river basins, ii) the design of the system architecture and its implementation, and iii) collection of data and/or data access rights.
CONTACT: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Attn: Ms Patrizia Rivolta, TP 263, Via Fermi 1, I-21020 Ispra. Fax: +39 03 32 78 95 40. Email:
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