For further information contact: Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, via S Cognetti 36, Attn: Direzione Approvvigionamenti e Contratti, I-70121 Bari. Tel: +39 08 05 72 34 91. Fax: +39 08 05 7230 18. Email:

Serving the hydro power and dam construction industries since 1949
A contract notice has been issued for the supply of sluice gates. Date for reciept of tender is 22 May 2005.
For further information contact: Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, via S Cognetti 36, Attn: Direzione Approvvigionamenti e Contratti, I-70121 Bari. Tel: +39 08 05 72 34 91. Fax: +39 08 05 7230 18. Email: