AVAILABLE FROM CIRCOR International, the Circle Seal XVH series of excess flow valves have been designed to automatically close leak-tight when a flow spike occurs, preventing uncontrolled release of system fluid to ensure a safe and reliable working environment at low cost.
Circor says the versatile flow switches have a high pressure working range of 0 to 6000psig, with various seal and body materials offered for use with any liquid service and a choice of end connections allowing assembly in any system or application. The spring-loaded poppet can be mounted in any orientation.
Both automatic and manual reset versions are available. The bleed valves on automatic models have an anti-clog wire that prevents fluid build up at the bleed port to increase reliability. Manual valves assure zero leakage until individually reset, says the company.
Coloured ring bands on all models give instant visual indication of valve type, trip range and seal material. Tel: +44 20 8423 0113