A pumped storage project with capacity between 20-40MW could be developed at Mt Leyshon Gold Mine in Queensland, Australia, a study carried out by Leyshon Resources has suggested.
The study indicates that Queensland will require new power generation capacity as early as 2017, with peak electricity demand forecast to grow at more than three percent per annum over the next decade. The new pumped storage scheme could be developed at a more favourable cost than competing alternatives and with the operating flexibility to generate electricity almost instantaneously to meet peak electricity demand, Leyshon Resources said.
The project would utilise an existing upper reservoir, which would refilled from the existing open pit during periods of off-peak prices. The existing power line infrastructure connected to the site could support a project of up to 20MW and with modest upgrades may support up to 40MW.
Whilst the study demonstrated positive project economics, further work will be required in areas including water chemistry, capital and operating cost estimates, networks, engineering, and regulatory.
The report recommended identifying a strategic partner to assist with managing market risk and underpinning the commercial viability of the project by securing either a medium to long-term off-take with an electricity retailer or major energy user, or a medium to long-term network support contract with the local network service provider.