The manufacturer is to supply four Kaplan turbines and related equipment for the Lovosice-Pistany I plant being developed on the river Elbe by RenoEnergie. The additional equipment includes the generators, electrical and control systems and trash racks.

The low head (1.9m) plant is due to be operational by the third quarter of 2010. The turbines are 3m in diameter with three runner blades, and total flow through the facility will be 160m3/sec.

mavel said that while the contract was signed just over a year ago, when engineering started, the notice for production came only in recent months.

Two Kaplan turbines plus some associated equipment are to be supplied to Finnish firm Vaasa Engineering for the 1.76MW Kuokkastenkoski plant, in Finland.

The 880kW units will have runner diameters of 1.45m and five blades, and the plant has a net head of 10m with total flow of 20m3/sec.

In addition to the vertical turbines, Mavel will also supply the generators, draft tube, hydraulic system, lubrication and cooling, while Vaasa will provide all of the electrical equipment.

The Kuokkastenkoski plant is being developed by Pohjois-Karjalan Sahko, and is to be commissioned by the end of 2010.