Mott Macdonald of the UK has been appointed by the Asian Development Bank to assist a programme of institu-tional strengthening for Cam- bodia’s newly created Ministry of Water Resources and Met- eorology (MOWRAM).
Cambodia experienced a severe drain on technical staff and extensive damage to its irrigation systems and infrastructure during the Pol Pot regime of 1975-9.
The project aims to improve the capacity of MOWRAM — created in 1999 by upgrading the former Directorate General of Irrigation, Hydrology and Meteorology — in planning and implementation of investment projects. The programme will also highlight the need for an integrated approach to water resources management within river basins to help reduce rural poverty by improving agricultural production.
Mott MacDonald’s technical assistance role — in association with BCEOM Societé Française d’Ingenière — will involve helping MOWRAM and the other stakeholders to prepare a draft national water sector profile covering planning and implementation capacity.
The consultant will also help to develop procedures for sustainable management of irrigation systems, provide a system to determine human resource development needs and establish a financial and administrative capacity to implement projects.