The Hydro-Electric Corpor-ation of Tasmania, Australia, has officially unveiled a new corporate image, said to ‘emphasise its vision to be a world-renowned generator of renewable energy’.
The new image and the name Hydro Tasmania were launched after extensive research in Tasmania and in other Australian states showed that the Corporation was very highly regarded by Tasmanians for its history, on-going contribution to the state, its dedication to innovation and as a producer of clean, environmentally-friendly renewable energy. The new corporate image emphasises the corporation’s hydroelectric power heritage of over 100 years as a provider of clean renewable energy. The new image includes a modified logo in blue and green, signifying the natural, renewable resources of water and wind.
To coincide with the inauguration of Hydro Tasmania, a 447-page history of the hydroelectric power corporation, Lifeblood – Tasmania’s hydro power was also published. The book documents the development of Tasmania’s water power resources in
the early part of the twentieth century, to the decision to disaggregate the Hydro-Electric Corporation into three separate businesses from 1 July 1998.
The book provides an insight into how hydroelectric power has influenced the economic,
social and political growth of Tasmania.