China Three Gorges Corporation’s (CTG) Baihetan hydropower station – the largest hydro project currently under construction – has hit the milestone of generating 5 billion kWh electricity.

Baihetan will feature a total of 16 x 1GW hydraulic generators, the world’s largest in terms of capacity for a single unit. Four power units have been placed in operation at the project, together generating the 5 billion kWh of clean electricity. The project has so far saved about 1.54 million tons of standard coal and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by about 4.2 million tons, delivering a steady stream of green energy for China.

A major national project in the West-to-East Power Transmission Initiative, Baihetan will be in full operation in July 2022, with an annual output of 62.443 billion kWh. It will be the world's second largest hydropower station after the Three Gorges Dam.

Images courtesy China Three Gorges Corporation