EDF and the Andorran Government are set to work together to renovate and maintain hydropower projects and review plans for the development of an additional hydroelectric power station in Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre as part of a recently extended cooperation agreement.

On 27 January 2023, Sílvia Calvó, Minister for the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development of the Principality of Andorra, and Luc Rémont, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF, renewed their collaboration and signed a cooperation agreement for the Principality's energy transition. 

The partnership provides a framework for cooperation between the EDF Group and the Principality of Andorra in the drive to fight climate change, replace fossil-fuels with low-carbon energy, and thereby decarbonise the economy and the region. It enables the EDF Group and FEDA (Forces Elèctriques d'Andorra) to continue working towards strategic objectives which include the review of the additional hydroelectric power station at the Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre site, and the renovation and heavy maintenance of hydroelectric power stations.

Other objectives include: Signature of a long-term procurement contract for the import of electricity, and implementation of a PPA; development of cogeneration and heat networks; Development of local renewable energy production; roll-out of the smart metering programme; and development of the energy efficiency strategy.

"We are proud to have signed a new long-term partnership agreement and in this way to support the Principality of Andorra in its energy transition,” commented Luc Rémont, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF. “Our partners can rely on the EDF Group's expertise, in all its forms, to meet the challenges of this transition to a low-carbon future."

Sílvia Calvó, Minister for the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development of the Principality of Andorra, added: "We would like to thank EDF for its past support, which has now become all the more important given the current energy crisis. We are confident of our strong relationship with EDF, including in dealing with power supply restrictions. Thus, the multiyear agreement for the importation of electricity from France, signed by FEDA and EDF in 2019, has been valuable to us this year. The new agreement signed today will allow us to explore new ways for cooperation also aimed at stabilising the future cost of energy."