The Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF), the National Government of the Red River Métis and Manitoba Hydro are to address existing hydroelectric developments and work together on future developments following the signing of a Revitalization Agreement.

“The signing of a Revitalization Agreement puts us on a new and long overdue pathway,” MMF President David Chartrand said. “It represents a positive step toward reconciliation and building a strong working relationship with Manitoba Hydro. Together, we are committed to working to build the energy future for all Manitobans in a sustainable way, by collaborating early on in planning and development to protect against adverse effects.”

The Revitalization Agreement addresses the adverse effects of Manitoba Hydro’s existing developments and operations on the Section 35 Constitution Act rights of the Red River Métis and establishes processes for working together on a range of issues related to Manitoba Hydro’s developments and operations, including on any future developments that may be undertaken by the Crown corporation.

“While efforts to strengthen our relationships have been ongoing for some time, the signing of the Revitalization Agreement formally acknowledges our commitment to address the legacy of our historic projects with the Red River Métis,” said Jay Grewal, President and CEO, Manitoba Hydro. “It’s a vital step forward in our long-term relationship with the MMF and I’m pleased we were able to work together to achieve such an important milestone.”

The Revitalization Agreement includes commitments to establish a long-term Revitalization Fund, a defined forum for ongoing dialogue between Manitoba Hydro and the MMF, and formal processes for working together on future Manitoba Hydro developments.