Simec Atlantis Energy (SAE) has secured a £2.5 million loan from Scottish Enterprise for the redeployment of the remaining two turbines at its MeyGen tidal power site within the next 12 months. This follows the successful deployment in March 2022 of the AR1500, 1.5MW tidal turbine.

The first of these turbines is scheduled for redeployment in May 2022, with the final turbine to be deployed in March 2023, complete with a retrofitted wet mate connection system, which more than halves the costs of future turbine recoveries and deployments.

Demonstrating the viability of the tidal turbines is vital to the success of MeyGen, the largest planned tidal stream project in the world, said SAE.  When operational, the turbines have exceeded expectations and the new funding from Scottish Enterprise will support deployment and activity to ensure continuation of the project, the company added

The company’s AR150 turbine was re-deployed last month, after being out of the water for upgrade and maintenance work. Two of the project’s four turbines are now fully operational.