President Biden has declared a state of emergency in the State of Vermont, where catastrophic and historic flooding is affecting the state. High precipitation of 15 to 22.5 cm, has resulted in catastrophic flooding threatening the State Capital of Montpelier.  Current flood levels on the Winsooki River have already exceeded those experienced during Tropical Storm Irene on August  28, 2011 and are only second to the historic flood of 1927. 

Wrightsville Dam, a 35 m high earth fill structure constructed in 1927 on the Winsooki River is holding back some of the flood waters, threatening the State Capital. According to State of Vermont's Dam Safety, Wrightsville Dam Spillway was working as intended, the concern however was with the flood water raising the water level of the North branch of the Winsooki River causing flooding of  Montpelier.

The reservoir created by the Wrightsville Dam, in addition to flood protection  provides water for recreation facilities and the operation of the1 MW  Wrightsville Hydro Power Plant. The hydro plant, owned by the Washington Electric Coop, was built in 1985. 

The declaration of the State of Emergency by President Biden allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to deploy equipment & resources to help the States Disaster Relief  Response