The New Hampshire CleanTech Council (NHCTC) and Granite State Hydropower Association (GSHA) in the US have announced a new alliance for collaboration on critical issues facing New Hampshire’s energy landscape.
“This is a great move for us," says Kate Epsen of NHCTC. "Small, in-state hydro is a key player in the NH clean tech market. Our members share the same concerns as GSHA members, and we can do more together."
Dick Norman, President of GSHA stated: "By coordinating our organisation’s resources we will become a stronger, more effective participant in the many regulatory and legislative proceedings that will determine the future role of renewables in our state’s diverse and growing energy industry."
Increasingly, the alliance claims, small hydro and solar facilities are receiving compensation rates that are out of line with the value and generation of the resource. While hydro facilities struggle to remain operational due to under-market energy rates, both solar and hydro facilities struggle to connect their power with consumers due to outdated laws and regulations.
Together, GSHA and NHCTC say they will continue to advocate for policies and practices that enable these resources, improve competition in energy markets, and increase customer choice.
The NH CleanTech Council is a business group created by the NH Sustainable Energy Association. The Granite State Hydropower Association is the state trade association for small hydroelectric power facilities. GSHA’s members produce millions of dollars in state tax revenues, maintain recreational facilities, are stewards of many NH rivers, provide funds for critical dam maintenance, and produce over 200,000 MWh of local, renewable electricity annually.