The site is approximately 2km upstream of the Dunvegan Bridge on Highway 2. Capital costs are estimated at over $300M, and project lifespan is expected to be 100 years.
‘We have conducted extensive studies over the past six years and believe that we have demonstrated our commitment to this project and the future of low-impact renewable energy development in the north,’ said President and COO of Canadian Hydro, Ross Keating.
Formal regulatory review of the project is expected to begin early in 2007. The commencement of the 30-day public comment period is expected to occur in January or February, and will be initiated by regulatory agencies through advertisements in local newspapers. Based on initial discussions with Alberta Environment, Canadian Hydro anticipates a minimum twelve-month review period, including time to conduct a public EUB and NRCB hearing, should one be required. With approvals received within that timeframe, site preparation could begin in 2008, and construction completed in 2011, with commissioning planned for the fall of that year.
The Dunvegan Hydroelectric Project includes an array of 40 turbines, each rated at 2.5MW, for a total of 100MW of electrical generating capacity. The electricity from these turbines will supply the electrical grid, powering homes and businesses and contribute to grid stability throughout the northwest region of Alberta. There will be enough power from the facility to power 50,000 homes.