Installation of the new hydropower units will increase the power rating of each hydropower generator from 115MW to 125.5 МMW. Following the equipment renovation at Zhigulevskaya, which will be carried out jointly by JSC RusHydro and Power Machines, the aggregate capacity of the hydro-power plant will increase by 94.5 MW.
The launch of the first renovated hydropower unit at the project is planned for 2013; the final unit launch is scheduled for the end of 2016.
The contract concluded between Power Machines and JSC RusHydro is in line with successful corporate cooperation aimed at developing the Russia’s domestic hydropower industry. At present, the following joint projects involving cooperation between hydropower industry specialists and mechanical engineers are being carried out: the Sayano-Shushenskaya restoration, construction of the Boguchanskaya hydropower plant and the Zagorskaya-2 pumped storage project, turnkey reconstruction of four hydropower units at Volzhskaya, as well as renovation of two hydropower units at Saratovskaya.