In a recent survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute, it was revealed that a significant majority of Quebecers endorse the development of new hydroelectric dams and wind farms to boost Hydro-Québec's production capacity.

According to the findings, 82% of respondents expressed support for the construction of additional wind farms, while 70% favour the idea of building new hydroelectric dams to help counteract the anticipated energy shortfall projected for 2027. Notably, two-thirds of Quebecers (66%) are also in favour of implementing new price mechanisms aimed at encouraging energy conservation.

The survey highlights the broad-based support for these initiatives, cutting across various sociodemographic groups. It underscores the consensus among Quebec residents on the need for diversified approaches to meet the province's growing energy demands.

However, the survey reveals a divided opinion on nuclear power, with 40% of respondents supporting it and 44% opposing. Interestingly, the breakdown indicates that men (45%) are more inclined to support nuclear power than women (35%).

The Ipsos poll, conducted between October 18th and 21st, 2023, on behalf of the Montreal Economic Institute, surveyed 1,161 Canadian adults aged 18 and above. This included an oversample of 403 Quebec residents. The survey employed quotas and weighting based on age, gender, and region to ensure a sample composition reflecting the Canadian population per census parameters. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured with a credibility interval, in this case, accurate to within ± 3.3 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, for all Canadians aged 18 and above. The credibility interval may be wider for population subsets, and all surveys are subject to potential sources of error, such as coverage and measurement errors.