KWU Group of Siemens is to supply the electrical and instrumentation and control equipment for the Lajeado hydro power plant currently under construction in Brazil, it was announced on 19 November 1998.
The contract, worth around DM150M (US$80M) covers supply of five generators each rated at 160MW, instrumentation and control equipment, transformer substation and switchgear, along with installation and commissioning. According to Siemens, the contract will be executed in a consortium with mechanical engineering companies. The generators will be built at Siemens’ manufacturing plant at Lapa in São Paulo.
The Lajeado plant will have a total capacity of 800MW, and will be built on the Rio Tocantins in Tocantins state. The client is Investco, an investor consortium that comprises: •Empresa de Eletricidade Vale Paranapanema.
•Electricidade de Portugal.
•Companhia Paulista de Energia Eletrica.
•Companhia Energetica de Brasilia.
Siemens previously supplied equipment for the Yacyretá plant in Argentina, which is of a similar size (see picture below).