Table 1: Summary of Project Details

Project Owner / Client BC Hydro
Water Source: Bull River
Catchment Area at Intakes 1528.5km2
Mean Annual Flow at Intakes 31.85m3/sec (20.83 l/s/km2)
Maximum Design Flow 38.5m3/sec
Gross Head 83.9m
Project Operation Run-of-River
Maximum Power Capacity 25MW
Instream Flow Requirements (IFR’s) 0.25m3/sec December to March, 0.5m3/sec April, May, October and November, 2m3/sec June to September
Capacity Factor 48%
Average Annual Energy 105GWh
Intakes Existing intakes in Aberfeldie Dam, one originally in service, one blanked off, modified to produce two identical intakes of 19.25m3/sec capacity.
Waterway Low Pressure Conduit (LPC) ~850 m buried 3.35m (132”) dia. Weholite HDPE plus ~150m surface-mounted 2.9m (114”) dia. steel pipes; Steel surge tank 15m high 13m dia. at junction of the LPC and HPP; 150m long 2.74m (108”) dia. steel High Pressure Penstock (HPP) down cliff face immediately behind powerhouse.
Turbines 3 x 8.33MW horizontal axis Francis
Generators 13.8kV direct-coupled synchronous
Powerhouse Concrete substructure, steel superstructure
Switchyard At powerhouse, step-up 13.8 to 69kV
Transmission Line: None – direct connection to grid at switchyard
Design Earthquake: BC Building Code – 1:2,500 event