Table 5, Summary of the energy costs of double-basin schemes at Fundys Shepody Bay and Cumberland Basin. Costs as shown are based on the use of fish-friendly turbine generators and sluices, equpped with automatic flap gates.
Paired basins
Number of turbine-generators
Annual energy Shepody Bay GWh
Cumberland Basin GWh
Cost of Energy c/kWh
83 & 61 (144)
Type Z 5191
Type Z 3771
At Fundy, with its specific environmental concerns, only paired-basins Types Z & Z would meet the adopted environmental sustainability standards.
53 & 37 (90)
Type Y 3767
Type X 3154
Linked basins
Phase I 53
Type X 4461
The 7,200 m long dam required to create the enlarged Cumberland Basin raises the cost of energy for the linked-basins scheme to above that of paired-basins Types X & Y. With a shorter dam at Cumberland basin, the energy cost of the linked-basins could have been 2.9&icent;/kWh.
Phase II 53
High-basin for linked basins
Low basin 5625
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