Hydro developers and other stakeholders interested in developing pumped storage hydropower projects in the US could receive technical assistance from the Department of Agency’s (DOE) national laboratories thanks to the Water Power Technologies’ (WPTO) Hydropower and Water Innovation for a Resilient Electricity System (HydroWIRES) Initiative.

As demand for an equitable and clean electricity grid increases, so too will the need for high levels of variable renewable energy resources together with resources that can provide flexibility and long-duration storage to balance them. Hydropower and pumped storage hydropower (PSH) are uniquely well-suited to provide these essential grid services.

The technical assistance opportunity specifically aims to provide PSH developers and other stakeholders with national lab expertise and capabilities to address valuation hurdles in PSH project development. It will also provide the broader hydropower community with assistance for specific challenges they face related to the HydroWIRES mission.

WPTO anticipates providing technical assistance to up to 15 recipients. Each recipient will receive assistance valued between $100,000 and $1 million through specifically assembled technical assistance teams comprised of subject-matter experts through one or more national labs.

This technical assistance opportunity is open to hydropower developers, system operators, utilities, energy co-ops, manufacturers, regulators, policymakers, nonprofits, and others. Both for-profit and nonprofit companies or entities that are incorporated (or otherwise formed) under the laws of a particular state or territory of the US are eligible to apply. Entities must be based in the US to apply.

Potential recipients must submit statements of interest no later than Friday, December 16. The full call for technical assistance is available online here