As part of the company’s ongoing review of water resource requirements for the next 25 years and projected water demand levels, a potential future supply deficit is forecast. In order to provide a cost effective sustainable long term solution, a new strategic resource will be required within the next review period.
The output of the studies undertaken so far suggests that Broadoak North Canterbury is the most viable option to meet the projected demand with a pumped stored reservoir which would be replenished by water pumped from the River Stour. Mid Kent Water is looking to complete the necessary studies to review the option of the new reservoir as the preferred solution up to the conclusion of the planning process and Public Inquiry by early 2008.
Consultancy Services will be required to enable the completion of the studies, planning applications, consents and submission and support for any Public Inquiries.
The main work streams for the scheme have been identified and are outlined as follows: Strategic Environmental Assessment; Water Resources – proof of need; Water Resources – deployable output; Design and Engineering; Environmental Impact Assessment and Management; Planning and Consents Strategy; Community and Key Stakeholder Consultation; The Consultant(s) role will be pivotal in addressing all the issues and obtaining the necessay consents and to co-ordinate the Environmental Impact Assessment and assist the production of the Environmental Statement.The consultancy services required would be sourced under 3 main disciplines:
1. Planning and Environmental Services.
2. Engineering Services.
3. Contract Management Services.
Multiple awards may be made for each of the disciplines. The company is looking for the best service in each category or as an integrated solution.
Planning and Environmental Consultancy Services required will include but not limited to the following: Town and Country Planning Strategy, Planning and Environmental Policy and Development of the Planning Case; Review and presentation of the Proof of Need case, site selection and Cost benefit Analysis; Environmental field surveys and impact assessment studies, modelling analysis, local environmental issues and other areas affected by the proposed development; Landscape, land use, navigation, recreational, cultural heritage and amenity analysis and design; Land drainage and flood modelling; Traffic and transport modelling; Resource use and sustainability; Essential field ecological studies; Drafting, editing and co-ordinating the production of the Environmental Assessment to accompany applications and comply with the Town and Country Planning Regulations (Environmental Impact Assessment); Preparation of the SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) and RSS (Regional Spatial Strategy).
Engineering Consultancy Services required will include but not limited to the following: Geotechnical analysis, foundation and landform modelling and design; Design of storage reservoir inlet, outlet and control structures; Hydraulic modelling; Design of water pumping and treatment facilities and associated pipelines, intake and outfall structures; Land drainage and flood modelling design; Construction planning and materials sourcing;Feasibility and cost elimination.
CONTACT: Mid Kent Water Limited, Att: Michael Moores, Rocfort Road, Snodland, UK ME6 5AH. Tel: +44 (0)1634 873020. Email: