Odin Construction Solutions has won a US$9.66 million contract from the US Bureau of Reclamation to construct cement-bentonite cutoff walls through the foundations of Lugert and East Dikes, which form part of the W.C. Austin Project (Lake Altus-Lugert).
The work – which is expected to occur between October 2021 and June 2022 – will address seepage areas downstream of Lugert and East Main Dikes. It follows a previous modification at the W.C. Austin Project completed in 2018 to raise the crest elevation of all five dikes to reduce the potential for overtopping one or more dikes in extreme flood events, and to install filtered seepage collection systems in open drains below Lugert and East Main Dike. In combination, these modifications will improve the safety and reliability of the infrastructure ensuring continued reservoir benefits of irrigation, water supply, flood control, and recreation.
The W.C. Austin Project is located on the North Fork of the Red River in southwest Oklahoma. The project was authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Act of June 28, 1938 with construction completed in 1945. The Project, which is owned by the Bureau of Reclamation, consists of Altus Dam, five earthfill dikes, and approximately 270 miles of canals and laterals. Project benefits include irrigation of approximately 48,000 acres of privately owned land; augmentation of the municipal water supply for the City of Altus; flood control benefits on the North Fork of the Red River; and recreation and fish and wildlife conservation benefits.
Operation and maintenance responsibility for the Project has been transferred to the Lugert-Altus Irrigation District.