The World Bank has issued two discussion papers which it claims are of direct interest to the international hydro power community. The documents are:
•DP No 419 Measuring and Apportioning Rents from Hydroelectric Developments by Mitchell Rothman of Hagler Bailley, Canada. The paper concentrates on the evaluation of economic rents arising from the development of hydro generation on international watercourses.
•DP No 420 Financing of Private Hydro Power Projects by Chris Head of Knight Piésold, UK. This paper is a review of the issues and challenges that occur when privately financing hydro power projects in developing countries, based on an analysis of ten independent power producers’ projects in five countries at different stages of transition.
According to the Bank, both papers are on subjects of critical concern to those involved in the award of hydro concessions and the development of hydro power projects at a time when the power sector worldwide is in a state of transition.
Copies of both these documents are available from the World Bank Information Shop (
infoshop, tel: +1 202 477 1234) and they cost US$22 each.