Supported by over 60 hydro utilities from around the world, CEATI’s Hydraulic Plant Life and Dam Safety Interest Groups will combine forces to develop the hydro industry’s premier utility and dam owner focused gathering.
Managing the risk of owning and operating hydropower projects requires the best available knowledge to improve reliability, recognize potential failure modes and understand the associated consequences. It is imperative that dam and hydro plant owners, regulators and consulting engineers maintain expertise and knowledge in these important areas. The retirement of experienced personnel leaves today’s hydropower professionals with fewer opportunities to gain experience. As such, it is imperative that the combined knowledge of the hydropower community be shared in order to minimize risks to the public and to hydropower assets.
Topics will include:
• Discussion of inspection types, frequencies and procedures.
• Recognizing O&M and other critical needs.
• Asset planning strategies and life cycle management techniques.
• Analyses and determining adequacy or structural and non-structural solutions.
• Review of incidents, accidents, failures, necessary remediation measures and best practices.
• Role of human factors.
• Failure modes analysis on gates.
• Dam safety review of flow control equipment.
• Review of industry research and development efforts (past and current).
• Knowledge gaps – what should be considered?
• Immediate and future development needs to be discussed and identified.
Guidelines for submission of papers are included on the website: Presentations will be evaluated on their applicability to the subject matter and their technical merit; technology and service providers are encouraged to partner with their hydropower organization clients when submitting abstracts.
Presenters wishing to attend all sessions will be required to purchase a workshop registration (presenters are eligible for a reduced rate).
Abstracts are due by 4pm EDT, 17 September 2010 (Notification of acceptance will be given no later than 22 October 2010). Full presentations will be due 4 February 2011.
External weblinksCEATI workshop