Session chairman: Lawrence Haas, independent consultant and former team leader in the WCD secretariat, now UK-based.

International debate over the role that dams and hydro power play in sustainable development recently gained momentum with the publication of a number of key international reports.

Together these reports and the multi-stakeholder or inter-government processes that they are based on, promise to have far reaching, if not more immediate implications for power sector investment, operations and project financing. Among these initiatives is the report of the World Commission on Dams (WCD), Dams and Development: A New Framework for Decision-Making.

Using the landmark WCD report as an entry point for discussion, this session will consider how three key constituencies – financing institutions, industry and civil society – see the needs and opportunities for refurbishment and optimisation of hydro power operations in today’s context.

They will discuss roles in meeting challenges, and consider why all constituencies must work together with government to achieve successful development outcomes, foster public support and consensus, and ultimately improve access to external financing.

Measures are not limited to traditional refurbishment and modernisation of individual power stations, or the need to ‘catch up’ where routine investment has fallen behind. The way forward also considers how context-specific needs and opportunities for management of water and energy resources converge, requiring decision-making with multiple objectives.

Practitioners (utilities/operators/consultants) involved in rehabilitation and optimisation works will also speak about their practical experience, and share lessons in moving toward good practice.

Panellists: Lawrence Haas on the World Commission on Dams’ report; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (spokesperson); Alessandro Palmieri, World Bank; IUCN spokesperson, IUCN – Conservation Union; Donal O’Leary, secretary general, Hydro Equipment Suppliers Association; Fred Ayer, Lukas & Ayer.

10.30-11.00 COFFEE


Session chairman: Lawrence Haas, independent consultant and former team leader in the WCD secretariat, now UK-based

11.00-11.40 Towards good practice. Learning from experience.

Good practice examples of uprating and refurbishment will be illustrated, including project-specific, system and basin-level optimisation initiatives.

Reconstruction of the power sector in Albania – H Obermoser, Colenco Power Engineering Ltd, Switzerland.

Large, low head hydro rehab – J J Hron, & J B Yale, Harza Engineering and R B Walter, Chelan County PUD, US.

Case Study: Rehabilitation of the HEPP Guajoyo, El Salvador – H-P Gust, lahmeyer International GmbH, Germany.

Successful refurbishment of two pumped storage power plants in Belgium – C Dehareng & O Nicodeme, Tractebel Energy Engineering, Belgium.

11.40-12.30 Panel discussion and Q&A session

Panellists will take questions from the audience and then join together for a lively discussion on whether policy is helping to match opportunities with needs; what constitutes good practice; and whether financing prospects can really be improved by following the good practice lead.

12.30-2.00 LUNCH

2.00 -3.15 TECHNICAL PROGRAMME: Getting More Operational Efficiency

Session chairman to be confirmed

Determination of optimal time for the revision of Francis turbines through on-line efficiency measures – P Molinari, Engadiner Kraftwerke AG, Switzerland.

A scoring mechanism for gates – E Doujak, J Prost, H-B Matthias, Institute for Waterpower and Pumps, Austria.

Rehabilitation and refurbishment of old hydro power generators by using the Powerformer technique – L Staflin & G Lindahl, alstom Power Generation, Sweden.

Improving plant life at Obervermunt hydro power project in Austria by turbine retro-fitting with splitterblade runner – L Heninger & T Maurer, voith-siemens Hydro Power Generation GmbH & Co KG, Austria; and R Mader, Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Austria.

Integrated machine condition monitoring strategy at COPEL – M Hastings, Bruel & Kjaer Schenck CMS, Denmark.

3.15-3.45 COFFEE

3.45-5.00 TECHNICAL PROGRAMME: Getting More Operational Efficiency

Session chairman to be confirmed

State-of-the-art upgrading technology and design applied on one of the largest hydro power plants in the world – B G Holt & G Gulbrandsen, ge-hydro, Norway.

Hooped Pelton runner – G Vuillerod, Alstom Power Hydro, France.

Theoretical analysis of an influence of a pump-turbine runner replacement having a different number of runner blades on the machine dynamic behaviour – J Koutnik, CKD Blansko Engineering a.s., Czech Republic.

VIANDEN pump-turbines on isolated network – R Balaz, Alstom Power Hydro, France.

A case study of uprating of a 62.5MW Pelton turbine – J Vesel, CKD Blansko Engineering a.s, Czech Republic.
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