Consultancy firms who have been responsible for the detailed design and served as engineer for the construction of earth core rock fill dams will be eligible for submission of proposals.

Interested firms should obtain further information from the Office of Executive Director (Technical Services), Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, Technical Services Division, 3rd Floor, No. 500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10 on Tel: 011-2673264, 011-2689651, Email:

A complete set of the RfP document in English may be purchased by eligible consultants on the submission of a written application to the address above from 09.30 hrs. to 16.00 hrs., on normal working days, starting from 24 September 2012 to 22 October 2012 and upon payment of a non-refundable cash fee of SLR. 30,000.00.

Proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes simultaneously one containing the technical proposal and one containing the financial proposal, both within a sealed outer envelope, clearly marked “Proposals for Selection of Consultant for Construction Design and Supervision of Kaluganga Headworks, Contract No. MKRP/KALU/ CONSULT/114A(SFD)”. These should be delivered to the address given below – one original and three copies as described in this Request for Proposal by 05 November 2012 at 14.00 hrs.

Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources Management
10th Floor
500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha
Colombo 10
Sri Lanka
Attention: Secretary of Irrigation and Water Resources Management
Tel: +94 11 26 964 36
Fax: +94 11 26 896 51

A pre bid meeting will be held at the above address commencing at 10.30 hrs on 24 October 2012. A site visit would be held on 25 October 2012 commencing from 10.00 hrs at the Office of Project Director, Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, Thalagoda Junction, Moragahakanda Tel: 066-3682735.

A two-envelope procedure will be adopted in evaluating the proposals, with a technical evaluation for the quality of the proposal being completed prior to the evaluation of the financial proposals and the least cost proposal will be accepted.