The US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) wants to make various changes in peak flow, duration, water temperature and base flow criteria as recommended in a report in September 2000.
The measures aim to help the recovery of populations of humpback chub, Colorado pikeminnow, razorback sucker and bonytail, all of which are listed as endangered species, while maintaining the normal functions of the Flaming Gorge unit of the Colorado river storage project (CRSP).
Under its original operating regime, the Flaming Gorge dam harmed populations of endangered fish in the Green river. The DEIS considers the impacts of implementing the recommendations published four years ago by the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Programme and compares them with a ‘no action’ alternative.
The DEIS is open for public review over the next 60 days until 15 November. Public hearings on the proposals have also been scheduled to take place in October at a number of locations across Utah and Wyoming.
Flaming Gorge dam is located on the Green river about 320km from Salt Lake City and has been in commercial operation since 1963.
External weblinksDraft environmental impact statement