For more information can be obtained at YPEChODE, GGDE/EYDE-OSYE, Panormoy 22, Attn: K. Lakafosis, GR-115 23 Ampelokipoi Athina, Greece. Tel: +30 219 641. Fax: +30 645 07 82. Email:

Serving the hydro power and dam construction industries since 1949
A contract notice has been issued for dam works in Athens, Greece.
For more information can be obtained at YPEChODE, GGDE/EYDE-OSYE, Panormoy 22, Attn: K. Lakafosis, GR-115 23 Ampelokipoi Athina, Greece. Tel: +30 219 641. Fax: +30 645 07 82. Email: