A US$2.8M HYDRO power station at
Tinaroo Falls dam
has been officially opened by Australia’s natural resources minister
Stephen Robertson.
Tinaroo Falls has a capacity of 1.6MW and could supply power to more than 1200 homes.
CYCLONES IN Bangladesh and the accompanying heavy rain have caused a 60m wide breach in the Gumti embankment marooning more than 800,000 people and washing away crops worth millions.
A CONSORTIUM OF Ecuadorian construction company Herdoiza Crespo and Italy’s Impregilio has submitted the lowest bid, US$188M, to state power utility Hidropaute for a contract to build the 186MW Mazar hydro project.
GUATEMALA-BASED Hidroeléctrica Tres Ríos is negotiating to build the US$83M 50MW first stage of its Tres Ríos project in San Marcos department. Feasibility, and environmental studies have already been
GIBSON DAM Hydroelectric of Washington, US, is considering generating hydro power on the Sun river. It has three years to assess the feasibility of adding a hydro plant at Gibson dam, currently used for the Fort Shaw and Greenfields irrigation districts.