The project’s existing shaft seals have experienced numerous failures and leaks resulting in untimely and costly generator shutdowns.

The Third power plant generators are a vital source of electrical power to the Northwest Power Grid which is then marketed by the Bonneville Power Administration. BPA is funding the shaft seal replacement project to ensure that the Grand Coulee facility remains a reliable source of power production in the Pacific Northwest.

“The new shaft seals will feature state-of-the-art materials and technology to reduce maintenance and improve hydroelectric dependability at Grand Coulee,” said USBR Commissioner Michael Connor.

Grand Coulee Dam is located on the Columbia River in north central Washington. It was completed in 1941, and today serves as a multipurpose facility providing water for irrigation, hydroelectric power production, flood control, recreation, fish and wildlife.

The USBR recently awarded American Governor Company a US$1.7M contract from the US Bureau of Reclamation to replace aged governor controls on generating units at the project.